MVP 7500 / 8400 differences?
Hello -
We're a new dealer, so I haven't been around the block yet like most of you. We have client that is considering upgrading a MVP-7500 to a MVP-8400. Other than the obvious size difference, as well as the color depth, are there any functional differences between the two?
We're a new dealer, so I haven't been around the block yet like most of you. We have client that is considering upgrading a MVP-7500 to a MVP-8400. Other than the obvious size difference, as well as the color depth, are there any functional differences between the two?
It's not so much a size thing as it is a 'image quality is so bad, it's almost not useable.'
The biggest issue however you'll have is going from a 640 x 480 resolution to 800 x 600. You'll essentially need to redesign the interface to fit to that. Just doing a conversion in TPD4 will just make it look like junk, making the client question why he spent the money on the upgrade.
As for scaling a panel resolution, definitely don't use the built-in image scaling in TPD4. If you must convert in TPD4, export all the images and scale them separately in Photoshop or the GIMP (which has a nice batch add-in for such purposes). Go ahead and let TPD scale the buttons and pages, then replace the images with your new ones.
So to answer the original question... 8400 good... 7500 bad
Not at all. I think the OP has got a fair amount of information to provide the client with regarding whether it is worth upgrading or not.