Could someone please desribe the PHASTLink bus? It is ICSnet? Can a PHASTLink device be directly connected to a Netlinx master?
Could someone please desribe the PHASTLink bus? It is ICSnet? Can a PHASTLink device be directly connected to a Netlinx master?
For instance the DMS Keypads connect to ICSNet (and a Netlinx master) using its Phastlink connection.
You probably will need to use a module to actually communicate with the Phast device. Also be sure to provide it with a proper Netlinx address (connect same model devices one at a time and use the online tree to see what its address is)
PhastLink and ICSNet are electrically equivalent - see AMX Tech Note 299 for the specific pinouts on ICSNet if you are interested. Pins 1 and 2 are Transmit + and - respectively, pins 7 and 8 are Receive + and - respectively, pins 4 and 5 are used for Ground and 12V DC to bus devices, and lastly 3 and 6 are used for Microphone (primarily for DMS keypads).
You can (and do) connect Phastlink devices to the ICSNet bus as Wilbert pointed out and the Phastlink device will (should) show up in the Online Tree. You can address them as you do other ICSNet devices. You will definitely need an AMX module in order for your Netlinx program to communicate with and control the Phastlink device. The module provides you with a virtual device interface and a protocol (set of commands) for controlling the device as well as support for the range of events (levels, channels, ...) provided by the device. AMX has Landmark/Phast modules for PLK-DMS and PLK-IMS keypads, PLK-MSP keypads, PMB-IRI IR receivers, PMB-RF RF receivers, PLB-AS8 and PLB-AS16 switchers, PLB-VS8 video switcher, the PLB-AMP8 amplifier, PLB-SB1/SB2 keypads, as well as the old PLL lighting control products. These used to be available in a Programming section of the Tech Center on the website but I did not see that section still available (could be wrong). The files are however available through InConcert Downloads (search for AMX as device manufacturer).
Hope this helps,