Cannot compile projects with Duet modules

I think I've run into this before but cannot remember what I did to fix this. And since I found out just now that our company no longer has tech support I'm on my own to remember.
If I comment out all duet modules in a project, they compile just fine.
Does anyone know why duet modules won't compile? I think it has something to do with where the SNAPI file is located but can't remember if this is correct.
If I comment out all duet modules in a project, they compile just fine.
Does anyone know why duet modules won't compile? I think it has something to do with where the SNAPI file is located but can't remember if this is correct.
Regardless of the wisdom or lack of it in the pay-for-support policy, at some point you have to wonder if it isn't just worth $100 a month to not have to waste extra hours of labor on stuff like this. What's your time worth?
this is a bad thing in that two of the modules exist on in Duet Form. ( A Pool controller and the iWeather that talks to the AMX color T-Stats) I can obviously rewrite the weather module using the non-duet version and kluging it to talk to the T-Stats. The pool controller is a bit different in that I'd pretty much have to reverse engineer the protocol.
What makes this even worse is that I probably have 30-40 systems that exist in the same state. That'll teach me to trust using Duet modules. (if what you say is true...)