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USB Keyboard, text input, and G4 TP

Hi All -

I am working with a CV10 TP where the user wishes to connect a USB keyboard to provide text input to several fields. I have this working in my application, however, there is one usability item I am having difficulty with.

The client wants to be able to use the keyboard to advance through four different input fields on the panel. Think of filling out a web form -- you can usually fill out a field, then hit tab (or similar) to advance to the next field, and so on. With the TP it would appear there is no "tab order" or ability to advance to the next field when using a keyboard. It looks like you have to touch the field you want to make input into and then switch to the keyboard to actually enter content.

Can anyone give me any thoughts on this situation? Is there any way to enable a tab order or set it up where pressing enter would move to the next field, etc?

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