Problem w/Debugging and NXC-ME
in AMX Hardware
I have an NCC-ME master (non-me260) and it will not communicate properly with NL Studio when debugging variables. I've sent the master a simple program, and If I add a var to the debug watch list, all columns are blank in the list. I have sent the same program to my other master & all works fine. They are using the same firmwares & computer to uipload/debug....Has anyone else ran into this which seems ultra-strange. Otherwise, the master seems to be working fine.
I have re-flashed the firmware and don't know what else to try. I am using NLS v2.3.0.102 and firmware v2.31.137 on the master. Any input would be appreciated.
I have re-flashed the firmware and don't know what else to try. I am using NLS v2.3.0.102 and firmware v2.31.137 on the master. Any input would be appreciated.
In other words, the variable watch debugging feature needs some work. I often get around the limitations by temporarily re-defining a troublesome variable as global before trying to watch it. It helps a great deal as well to give variables unique names, even between the parameter list in a module definition and the call for the same module, despite the fact that the variable scope makes it non-ambiguous to the compiler. The debugger isn't as robust.