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MVP-7500 ?

So I messed up, after waiting for approx a month to get my 7500, everything seemed to work but I was unable to get WPA in the wireless setup so I thought it was a firmware issue as the loaded firmware was an older version (v. 2.57.54). I immediately down loaded and installed the latest firmware. Now I'm stuck on the 'AMX' flash screen and can get no further. After further research after trying to reboot/power cycle I have found some other folks who have had a similar problem and it turned out to be a corrupted flash card. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm a bit frustrated and annoyed that I didn't just turn off the router security temporarily to at least play with my new toy but instead I'm stuck with my new toy, on a weekend and no way to try it out. ........ and yes I know I should have done more research before I downloaded the new firmware, but I was so anxious to get going after my long wait. Any suggestions/help ?




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    DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    I forget where the line is drawn, but old enough firmwares can't be updated all the way to the most current in one step. You have to load an intermediate version first. It sounds like that is what happened to you. AMX is pretty good about corrupt firmware replacements; it's your choice whether you want to send them the panel for them to fix, or have them send a new CF card. It might be safer to send the whole thing to them, as a small part of the firmware doesn't reside on the CF, and if that part got trashed, a new card won't help you. Alternately, you can re-image the card yourself if someone has an image for that panel available. I keep a collection, but I don't have any 7500s.

    The other thing is that chances are a firmware update isn't going to give you WPA anyway. That requires a wireless G card installed in the panel, and the early generation 7500s did not come with G, only B.
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    Thanks Dave - This is what I have realized now. In my haste to get going I never thought that it just had the 'b' card which doesn't do WPA. I would say I have learned a lesson but I believe this has happened to me in the past. My only consolation (to myself) is that others seem to have had card corruption issues. I guess I need to check the forums before I do anything. Thanks Again.

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