Anyone know of a way to integrate AMX with an existing Adigio system
We have a customer that over 2 years ago was wooed away to the other high end control system. Well I heard from him today and the company that was trying to complete his system to his satisfaction (for 2 years now) has finally thrown in the towel and is basically pulling out his system. He is trying not to replace everything and was asking if there was a way he could keep his Adigio system in place as he has all the keypads and media on their music server among many other things. Its it possible to interface AMX with the Adigio to save him a little bit of cash? Not that I'm really excited about do that and its certainly not going to be my primary objective. I want to put in the equipment we should have put in two years ago, but I'm open to options if there are any. And if it is possible, how much of a headache is there going to be to do so, besides the obvious maintenance issues.
I'm very leery of adopting systems that, for whatever reason, didn't go well. Generally, wise customers get wise integration companies. You may be inheriting some problems that you won't find out about until it's too late.
No amount of AMX integration is going to help a poorly designed system.
Having looked at what they put in place I'm pretty much going to recommend yanking the Adagio. Its basically a theater with a house audio system with a few lights. Its not really worth trying to save the components from the other control company.
I am still curious how hard it would be to overlay AMX on top of C---. I've got enough to do without worrying too much about it now though. Thanks for the suggestions so far.
As someone who programs both, I don't see it being a super hard task to control the brand C gear with an AMX system, as long as you are able to program the brand C gear as well in order to implement whatever protocol you develop to talk between the two. None of the brand C gear that I'm familiar with is capable of talking to any other control system without a brand C controller acting as intermediary (at least not without doing lots of ip reverse engineering, which I can't see as being worth it).