Extron MAV switcher
OK everyone, I have scoured the forum and done numerous searches, but can't find existing threads on this. I have one of the MAV AV RCA series matrix switchers (8x8). Switching protocol on this unit is a breeze, so let's move on to the tougher point. Do you know if there is a way to get bargraph feedback on the output volume? Looking at the mav series module on AMX (extron_type_a_v1.0.zip) it appears to track the input volume, but not the output. The reason I need output is that users in one zone may want to adjust the volume for what they are listening to, without impacting the other zones. I'm trying to avoid putting in a bunch of VOL cards between the Extron and the multichannel amp. Please let me know your thoughts.
There are commands for set, increment, decrement, and view output volume.
If you look closely (at least on the manual I'm reviewing) it indicates that you are adjust that volume level for parameter X1...which on page 4-8 is referenced as "Input Number." As stated, I need to control and monitor output volume, not input.
nope, this is all parameter x3, which is identified on that page at the bottom and back at the beginning of the protocol as output number.
manual is Plus_Ultra_MAV_C.pdf downloaded from the page for the MAV AV RCA Series matrix switchers.
I think you're looking at page 4-10 not 4-11.
Page is attached as a png.
Holy crap you're right. Thank you for your patience and for pointing that out to me...over and over till it hit
no problem. I'm occasionally finding impaired too