Need Help Jar File Error
I modified an existing program to add a Tandberg codec to a conference room. I added a 3rd party module and had it compiling and working nicely in my office. Copied everything over to my laptop and am getting ready to go onsite to load and test at the customer site. I get this error when building the system:
ERROR: (0): L20219: File not found: [devicesdkrt.jar] version [1.15.0]
I search and find it under C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\Duet\bundle. Under Netlinx Studio, preferences to look for modules using the Netlinx compiler also points here.
I am thinking it is a version issue since the file exists in correct place???
Any ideas or help appreciated.
Update - Problem resolved. Loaded latest version of Netlinx Studio.
I modified an existing program to add a Tandberg codec to a conference room. I added a 3rd party module and had it compiling and working nicely in my office. Copied everything over to my laptop and am getting ready to go onsite to load and test at the customer site. I get this error when building the system:
ERROR: (0): L20219: File not found: [devicesdkrt.jar] version [1.15.0]
I search and find it under C:\Program Files\Common Files\AMXShare\Duet\bundle. Under Netlinx Studio, preferences to look for modules using the Netlinx compiler also points here.
I am thinking it is a version issue since the file exists in correct place???
Any ideas or help appreciated.
Update - Problem resolved. Loaded latest version of Netlinx Studio.