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Text Messaging/SMS generator

Hey everyone, i have a customer that is asking for something that I'm not sure what the best solution is. This is at a banquet hall that is controlled via various AMX MVP-8400 units. The intent is to put buttons on touchpanels that would allow for "support" from the banquet staff. Ie, send out a message saying A/V help needed, or more food needed, or leaving for break...., you get the drift. Initially, it sounded like they were going to use pocket pagers, so I thought of just putting in a Waveware pocket page transmitter in there and have it get commands from the AMX to send out pages. In speaking with them today, though, they are talking about handing out nextel phones to their banquet staff so they could use the two way radio there, and then hopefully get text/sms messages sent to those phones. Do you guys know of a system that would allow us to send messages to these phones?
Thank you.


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    viningvining Posts: 4,368
    yeah just use i!-EquipmentMonitorOut. It's just like sending an email but you sent it to the phone number and SMS ?what ever.
     fnSMTP_Q_Msg(  (*FROM      *)'SomeEmail@comcast.net',    			
    			      (*TO        *)'myemail@msn.com;2034802334@vtext.com',         			 
    			      (*SUBJ      *)"'VAV Office, AMX Notifications!'",  		
    			      (*BEGIN BODY*)"'VAV Office, Master Sys-1 "ONLINE"!',CRLF,CRLF,    
    			      (*BODY      *)'Time: ',TIME,', Date: ',LDATE,'.',CRLF,CRLF,
    			      (*BODY      *)CRLF,CRLF,
    			      (*END BODY  *)'*************THE END************',CRLF",     
    			      (*ATTACMENT *)''
    			 ) ;

    Here's a snippet from mine that I send out when the master comes online. The phone number @vtext is for verizon but you can google the correct addresses for all carriers.

    I actually just got a text on my phone telling me my master is back online after a program upload so I can go back to work.
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    That makes sense. Thank you once again vining.
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    VladaPUBVladaPUB Posts: 139
    I have RS232-SMS gateway. If you are interested, this is great solution for reporting. Send me PM if you are interested.
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