Sharing violation
I had a very strange thing happen the other day that I have never seen before. After spending a long day working on a module, I was just about to close everything for the evening when I got a dialog box in NS that said something about a sharing violation. Behind the dialog I could see the file in NS was blank. I tried to open the file from Windows Explorer, but then got the same error but using the standard Windows dialog rather than the NS dialog. I had to close NS to get at the file, but it was zeroed out. The days work lost, I tired in vain to see if NS made a backup but I couldn't find anything. I am guessing the error was from the Windows API but I am wondering if NS somehow caused this or if its all Windows fault. Has anyone seen this error with NS?
A reboot didn't help unfortunately. I used to use autosave, but it burned me a few times so I turned it off. I use CVS for versioning but typically only commit once a day since I have never seen this problem before and that was all that was necessary. I think from now on I will commit after any substantial changes have been made.
There are some commands you can apply manually to take over ownership, but I find the easiest way is this little registry tweak that adds it to the context menu: . This automates the process for you and I have used it to good effect many times.
As for the in-use flag being permanently set, you might try this utility: .