NS3 compiler error clue

NS3 has been KILLING me with all the complier errors and file problems it's been having. However, I think I've discovered a behavior that might help the folks at AMX sussing out this problem. I've found that when I haver a compiler error I can get a good compile by doing the following (most times , but not all)
I quit NS3, go into the folder with the project and delete the project_name_here.src , .tkn and .tko files NS3 creates. Then reopen the project and hit build system and get one good compile. As long as I don't make any changes I can hit compile again with success. If I make any changes, it blows up again and I have to redo the above process.
NS3 has been KILLING me with all the complier errors and file problems it's been having. However, I think I've discovered a behavior that might help the folks at AMX sussing out this problem. I've found that when I haver a compiler error I can get a good compile by doing the following (most times , but not all)
I quit NS3, go into the folder with the project and delete the project_name_here.src , .tkn and .tko files NS3 creates. Then reopen the project and hit build system and get one good compile. As long as I don't make any changes I can hit compile again with success. If I make any changes, it blows up again and I have to redo the above process.
Defence+ was activated the compiler was never finishing compilation and some times it was not even producing the compiled files (.tkn .src etc). Deactivating the Defence+ feature everything is working well.
About the "Build project" command. I only use it when i have many modules in a project and do not remember which
ones have been compiled with the latest changes i made. The only thing that i have to keep in mind is that the "Build
Project" works only in the ACTIVE SYSTEM of NXS. If i try to Build another system the compiler looses the paths of
the included files...