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Don't know what I did...

System with an NI3100, 3 RF Gateways, an NXC-IRS, and Mio R2s. Earlier the R2s were sending RF codes, the NI was responding, and sending IR to the TVs connected to ports 14 and 15 on the NI. Now, even though I can see the Gateways receiving the RF commands, the IR is not working on the TVs. I power cycled the NI, the IRS, and the gateways. Nothing seems to get the IR to send. I don't have the compiled code, but I do have the SRC file...I'm planning on rebuilding the project, but it's not going to happen tonight. Anything I can check?


  • You didn't do a clean disk command did you? That will removed the IR files... I'm assuming the IR comamnds still work through IR Edit.

    Kevin D.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Clean disk doesn't empty the IR memory. It will delete the ".IR" files from the file system, making it impossible to download the IR files back out, but it doesn't affect the 5001 device (I/O) at all... only the CPU device.

    You can pulse the IR channels with NetLinx Studio and with IREDIT. Find out if the problem is your code or the hardware....
  • John Nagy wrote: »
    Clean disk doesn't empty the IR memory. It will delete the ".IR" files from the file system, making it impossible to download the IR files back out, but it doesn't affect the 5001 device (I/O) at all... only the CPU device.

    Good to know. Thanks. I always assumed they wouldn't work.

    Kevin D.
  • I'm assuming that I need the correct ir file open in iredit (along with the compiled source) in order to emit it thru the NI, correct? No, I didn't do anything with the programming, it's just odd that ir from port 8 on the NI will emit from a touchpanel button press, but ir from port 7 will not emit from the NI when pressing a button on any of the 3 R2s. The RF receiver recognizes the button press and the online tree shows me all 3 receivers. Is there a way for me to track an RF response from the front of the Ni3100? I see an input led, but it doesn't light up like the RF receivers do. Since I don't have compiled code yet (later this week), I can't track any variable changes, correct? Sorry for all the questions.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,744
    Track input using the diagnostics in NETLINX STUDIO. Enable PUSH MESSAGE STATUS BAR and see all input displayed in the green window at the bottom of NLS.

    You don't need to know what's in an IR bank, or have anything on the PC side to blink an IR bank with NetLinxStudio. Just CONTROL A DEVICE from the DIAGNOSTICS menu. Whatever's in that bank will blink.

    From IREDIT, what you have in the PULSE dialog work buffer when you go to PULSE will try to get through, despite whatever else is in the bank already. I say try because I find this function to be about 85% functional. You will never get a false positive, but you may get a failure without apparent cause.... particularly if what is in the bank is NOT what is in the pulse dialog buffer.

    Also note the delightful nature of IREDIT to NOT use what is in the editing work area, but instead what was last saved to disk. Be careful.
  • yuriyuri Posts: 861
    I have had similar issues with a NXC-NMS and a IRS4 card.
    Removing the card from the shell and putting it back in solved my problem :)
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