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NI 3.50 firmware issues.

is anyone noticing 3.50 firmware on NIs breaking old code? It's still a little early and anecdotal but I'm noticing issues with old projects and older AMX modules, particularly older DUET modules. One I'm having involves a very old Escient Fireball. I have to admit having mixed emotions about loosing control of this one. This might work to my advantage.


  • Yes. One customer in particular that started with the old NXI and early NI systems. When the NI's get sent out for repair they come back loaded with the new firmware. Anywhere from a few days to a few weeks we will see them lock up with interpreter counts in "show buffers" just climbing. It seems worse with some modules than others. In three systems I swapped out my old favorite NetLinx Sony EVI-D100 module with the latest Duet version after learning here that polling may be causing a problem. One of the three systems has locked up since the replacement about a month ago.
  • Jorde_VJorde_V Posts: 393
    Yes. One customer in particular that started with the old NXI and early NI systems. When the NI's get sent out for repair they come back loaded with the new firmware. Anywhere from a few days to a few weeks we will see them lock up with interpreter counts in "show buffers" just climbing. It seems worse with some modules than others. In three systems I swapped out my old favorite NetLinx Sony EVI-D100 module with the latest Duet version after learning here that polling may be causing a problem. One of the three systems has locked up since the replacement about a month ago.

    It's most likely caused by the upping in the speed of the I2C bus, we've had issues since then. And only with old style programming as well.

    Here's what the controller says in telnet and in it's diagnostics window:
    (0354894799) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 0,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354897798) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 1,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354898068) Optimizing tCypherConnRx messages with 500 messages in queue.
    (0354898070) Optimization tCypherConnRx complete with 500 messages now in queue. 0 messages avoided.
    (0354900067) CMessagePipe::Write tCypherConnRx (PipeReader) this=0x01C08BF8 has 500 Messages in queue (Deleting & Ignoring1).
    (0354900797) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 2,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354900797) CMessagePipe::Read tCypherConnRx (PipeReader) is now Reading again
    (0354903620) CIpSocketMan::ProcessPLPacket - ClientOpen handle already in use
    (0354903620) CIpEvent::OnError 0:3:2
    (0354903796) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 0,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354906795) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 1,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354909795) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 2,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354912794) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 0,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354882801) ci2cmessagequeue faile'
    (0354894799) ci2cmessagequeue failed to send message, retry: 0,  errno: 3d0004'
    (0354897798) ci2cmessagequeue failed to send message, retry: 1,  errno: 3d0004'
    (0354898068) optimizing tcypherconnrx messages with 500 messages in queue.'
    (0354898070) optimization tcypherconnrx complete with 500 messages now in queue.  0 messages avoided.'
    (0354900797) ci2cmessagequeue failed to send message, retry: 2,  errno: 3d0004'
    (0354900797) cmessagepipe::read tcypherconnrx (pipereader) is now reading again'
    (0354903620) cipsocketman::processplpacket - clientopen handle already in use'
    (0354903796) ci2cmessagequeue failed to send message, retry: 0,  errno: 3d0004'
    (0354903796) ci2cmessagequeue failed to send message, retry: 0,  errno: 3d0004'
    (0354915793) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 1,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354918793) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 2,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354921792) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 0,  errno: 3d0004
    (0354924791) CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 1,  errno: 3d0004
    Line 87 (14:10:58)::CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 1, errno: 3d0004
    Line 88 (14:11:00)::Optimizing tCypherConnRx messages with 500 messages in queue.
    Line 89 (14:11:00)::Optimization tCypherConnRx complete with 500 messages now in queue.0 messages avoided.
    Line 90 (14:11:00)::CMessagePipe::Write tCypherConnRx (PipeReader) this=0x01C08BF8 has 500 Messages in queue (Deleting & Ignoring1)
    Line 91 (14:11:01)::CI2CMessageQueue Failed to send message, retry: 2,  errno: 3d0004
    Line 92 (14:11:01)::CMessagePipe::Read tCypherConnRx (PipeReader) is now Reading again
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