MVP-TDS 8400 Touch Panel image file.
in AMX Hardware
I recently got my MVP-TDS 8400 TP to stop booting. It happened all of a sudden. Didn't do any firmware update.
I belive its another CF currupt issue. Does anyone have the image for this particular TP. Can you please send them to me. Thank you.
I recently got my MVP-TDS 8400 TP to stop booting. It happened all of a sudden. Didn't do any firmware update.
I belive its another CF currupt issue. Does anyone have the image for this particular TP. Can you please send them to me. Thank you.
Does anyone have an image of CF for touch MVP-7500
I have a problem with panel MVP-8400! Her touch screen don't answer on my pushes.
I tried calibration panel, but still nothing happened!
I think, problem with driver for touch screen panel.
Does anyone have image for old panel MVP-8400?
Does the panel show up as online in the device tree of Netlinx Studio? (is it connected to the master?)
Does the TP show it's connected to the master when you go into setup.
Here's some things I've seen before.
1) The panel is connected to a master, but not the correct one. In cases where I use multiple masters in an install, a panel will sometimes for whatever reason slip into 'Auto' mode and connect to one of the sub-masters with no code. So, it looks like its online but it's not really. My fix for this is I run a small program on the sub masters that will telnet into a wayward touch panel, reset it's master connection mode to URL, load in the correct IP address of the main master, then reboot the TP. This has proven effective.
2) the panel's glass or touch driver is messed up. In this case, it'll have to be sent in for repair, no way around it.
You can always telnet into the TP and look at the error messages and see what's happening too. Just like a Netlinx Master,, the command to see messages is 'msg on all'
Thank you for your reply! But this does not solve the problem. My panel can not connecting with controller.
One other 'last ditch effort' thing to try. Unplug the panel and take out its batteries. Let it set overnight and die completely. I've seen some crashed panels come back to life after this procedure. If it doesn't then you will have to get the CF reflashed or do it yourself if you have the means to do so.