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TP ID numbering scheme?

I'm sure there is a simple answer for this - When a touchpanel comes from AMX, its typical device ID is 10001. When I do a file transfer, I am transferring to 10001:1:0. Is there a reason I am sending on Channel 1 instead of say, Channel 8? Can this be modified in the panel setup so that I could do this? I ask because I have a panel dev array that starts with 10001:1:0 and goes up to channel 8, with 1 being my blu ray buttons, 2-7 being other device buttons, and 8 are the panel (global) buttons. Maybe I am overthinking this and should just adjust my dev array to start at channel 2 and go up?


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    The notation is Device:Port:System, channels do not come into it with transfers.

    You are transferring to the Device, not a specific port on the device so your question doesn't make sense.
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    ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I typically use the different ports for the various devices. I'll admit that I've kinda cooled on it though as I quickly ran out of ports and now just do ports more in the realm of disciplines.

    So for example my Touch Panel navigation buttons are always on port 1.


    My video sources are port 9
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    Sorry, I meant port. It was a quickly-typed question as I was running around trying to figure out hy it wasn't working. :)
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    Transfer is always tagged as port1 on a device as this is the only port that is guaranteed to be present.

    I'm not sure why you're concerned with which port is used in a transfer in relation to your device array...
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    I just didn't know if it was going to be a problem with having my blu ray player buttons listed as a device on port 1 under define_device:
    BLURAY =10001:1:0

    And then having hard button functionality on port 8, while still being able to upload the project to the 10001:1:0 address. I guess one has nothing to do with the other.
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    DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    When you upload, it goes to the device, not the port. It doesn't matter what port your upload goes to at all. My bet is it's not even looked at by the transferring agent, but everything goes to a the system port.
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