TP ID numbering scheme?
I'm sure there is a simple answer for this - When a touchpanel comes from AMX, its typical device ID is 10001. When I do a file transfer, I am transferring to 10001:1:0. Is there a reason I am sending on Channel 1 instead of say, Channel 8? Can this be modified in the panel setup so that I could do this? I ask because I have a panel dev array that starts with 10001:1:0 and goes up to channel 8, with 1 being my blu ray buttons, 2-7 being other device buttons, and 8 are the panel (global) buttons. Maybe I am overthinking this and should just adjust my dev array to start at channel 2 and go up?
You are transferring to the Device, not a specific port on the device so your question doesn't make sense.
So for example my Touch Panel navigation buttons are always on port 1.
My video sources are port 9
I'm not sure why you're concerned with which port is used in a transfer in relation to your device array...
BLURAY =10001:1:0
And then having hard button functionality on port 8, while still being able to upload the project to the 10001:1:0 address. I guess one has nothing to do with the other.