MX900 not working as well as MIO R2?
Odd problem - I am trying to replace an R2 (the batteries get chewed up awful fast, like within 2 weeks) with an MX900. I have dropped in the AMX IR codes, and have tested them with the MX. I am using the AMX RF 418 gateway, and an MX900 with the 418RF mode (not the optional 433) The odd thing is that the MIO button presses (buttons 241, 242, 243) work every time, but the MX button presses work about half the time. I have tried triplicating the button code press in the MX with delays between each code, but it doesn't seem to help. Why would it be different? I've watched the LED for INPUT on the 3100, and I can see that it isn't seeing the button presses every time. However, if I look directly at the RF Module, it sees a button press every time. If I press and hold the AMX ir code, it starts working. I used John's AMX IR database file hex code to copy and paste. I tried taking the hex code and repeating it, with anywhere from 2-5 repeats, but it seems that the only way I can get the code to send EVERY time AND for the processor to see the button press EVERY time is to press and hold on the MX900. Is there any way around this? I don't think I can do anything in the URC software, is there?
Ok, here's the deal - I was able to modify (double click) the learned IR file as it is listed on the right of CCP, and change it from a default repeat of 3 to a repeat of 5, and now it's long enough to trigger every time. Hopefully someone else can use this info as well!
As to R1 and R2 on regular batteries, FORGET THAT IDEA. The rechargeable battery and base is the only way. I can run through ordinary batteries in an R1 in a single day. The per-charge life of the rechargeable battery is much better than the one-time use of ordinary batteries.
By the way, I get up to two weeks of light daily use on an R4 on a single charge.