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Determine System Uptime

Is there a quick way through telnet, studio, or web interface to see how long the master has been online and in turn determine how long since the last reboot?
Thanks in advance for any help.


  • mushmush Posts: 288
    G'day Nick,

    Not that I'm aware of but it would be a piece of cake to write code to do it.

  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    Not sure if there's any through the methods you have mentioned, but you can get it via SNMP.
  • Just got the answer through my sales rep. The easiest way to see the uptime on the master is to type “Show Route /v” from telnet. The current time is the time, in milliseconds, since the master was last rebooted.
  • mushmush Posts: 288
    nickmoody wrote: »
    Just got the answer through my sales rep. The easiest way to see the uptime on the master is to type “Show Route /v” from telnet. The current time is the time, in milliseconds, since the master was last rebooted.

    Thanks Nick!
  • Room View

    Also you can use room view, but you need to have all touch panels and controllers on the network.
  • The simplest way is to telnet in and do a "msg on". Then open a second telnet session to force a log message. The numeric stamp on the left hand side of the log is the number of milliseconds since the last boot
  • chillchill Posts: 186
    josefino wrote: »
    Also you can use room view, but you need to have all touch panels and controllers on the network.

    I'd be very surprised if Room View knew what to do with a Netlinx controller :^)
  • RpleebRpleeb Posts: 6
    On some of my more critical customer systems, I use the equipment monitor to send a me an email every hour.

    Then, in the email subject I use a counter to tell me how many times the email has been sent since the last reboot.

    All I have to do is look at the subject line of my inbox to find out how many hours the system has been online.

    In this case I send it every hour, but you can change the frequency to whatever you want.

    // SmtpQueMessage will buffer the email for transmission
    // SmtpQueMessage('from', 'to', 'subject', 'message','attach file')
    // This is a standard send with one receipient
    nSentCount = nSentCount + 1
    SEND_STRING 0,"'i!-EquipmentMonitor Test-Send Message ',Itoa(nSentCount)"
    "'coffin Email ',Itoa(nSentCount)",


    IF (nMINUTE = 56)

    I also use this to find out the WAN IP address of a system by looking through the email header.
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