Filetransfer2 problems with client

So I've given filetransfer2 to a university client of ours who is out of town. I gave him a new compiled program and 2 tp4 files to upload to his NI3100 and 2 touch panels. Upload to master worked fine, but the two touch panel transfers got 'cancelled' with an error of not having a font file? Do I need to get them to install g4 support files or something? Don't know the exact font file that it couldn't find, but I am waiting to hear what it is.
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.
You know, I've never gotten TP files to ever work on upload except by using TPD4. Even teh File Transfer in NS doesn't work for me. I just gave up trying.
Check out Dave Hawthorne's post which is third in this thread:
Based on the error message you mention, I suspect that there are one or more fonts used in the design that exist on your machine but which are not installed on the client's machine.
I don't remember running into the problem with XP, but on 7 the computer must have all of the fonts used in the TP file installed.
The fix is pretty easy. You need to send the font files to your friend and have him drag them into the windows font folder to install. The other catch is that the error will only come up with 1 font file at a time, so if he is missing more than 1 font you should expect him to see the error again with a new font name.