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AXB Boxes, PS wiring?

When wiring AXLink boxes, additional power supplies are often needed. In those cases, should the - on the power supply be wired in with the GND on the AXLink devices? In the case of an AXB-IRS4, I have a local power supply plugged in to the pwr (2 prong) phoenix plug, and everything other than the AXLink power plugged into the AXLink port. Do I need to run a jumper from the PS - plug to the GND plug on the IRS4?


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    In the case you mention, you just need to not connect the Power + wire on the AxLink buss. The two comm wires and the ground should be connected. Three wires total on the AxLink connector.
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    vegastech wrote: »
    When wiring AXLink boxes, additional power supplies are often needed. In those cases, should the - on the power supply be wired in with the GND on the AXLink devices? In the case of an AXB-IRS4, I have a local power supply plugged in to the pwr (2 prong) phoenix plug, and everything other than the AXLink power plugged into the AXLink port. Do I need to run a jumper from the PS - plug to the GND plug on the IRS4?

    I'm pretty sure the ground on the Axlink connector and the power ground are connected internally. I have never run a jumper, just clipped off the V+ lead on the Axlink.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    When we run local power on Axlink devices (often for G3 panels a long run from the rack), we only run the two data lines back to the master, and power the two power leads with a local wall wart or whatever is appropriate. No need to externally get the - and or ground power common.
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