DVR question
I have a DVR and I want to streaming it with the TPD4.
anyone know how can I do that? Do I need to use the dynamic image?
thanks for any help.
anyone know how can I do that? Do I need to use the dynamic image?
thanks for any help.
type 'Dynamic Image' and that will help you find it.
I entered the URL, username, and password in the dynamic image but he asked me to put also the file name.
how can I know what is the file name for the DVR ??
but then I need to answer the user name and the passward
the web is a web service file Attached
Does anyone know the path and file for the EverFocus DVR? I have a ECOR264-8D2 that i am integrating.
Old thread but thought I would chime in. The everfocus DVR's all launch an ActiveX applet when logging in through a browser.
Some newer EverFocus DVRs have a direct URL to their camera images...
http://**IP ADDRESS**/m/camera1.jpg
Can't seem to make them work as dynamic images though, even with using a username/password.
The URL works in a browser. When I try it in TPD4, I get an error "Unable to load image file; file may not exist or may not be a PNG or JPG image"
Even crazier... Using the url in TPD4 as a dynamic image, I can get the image to show in TPD4, but not when I upload it to a panel. The panel shows other dynamic images though.
If it works in TPD4 then it points to an issue with the TP. What model TP us it? Firmware up to date? No weird router settings? You might try telneting into the panel itself and see if you can ping from he panel to the cam DVR. ( at least I think the ping command works on the TP...)
That should never work in a panel or TPD4. HTM is a web html document, not an image or stream. The panel is not a browser.
If you don't find or there isn't a compatible stream you can link, you can use the JPG, and set the refresh rate up to 1 second. You won't get motion, but will get "movement" and a slow but continuous image update. If the still image offered by the server isn't updated even that quickly, you can reduce the refresh rate of the still until it roughly matches the speed of changes at the source.
We had to do this for 500Vi panels, which freaked out at the stream type put out by the cheap 9100a video boxes. All the other panel types show the stream, although all do complain about it if you watch the panel in TELNET. But the 500vi's lock up entirely. By having just those use the -simulated- stream by refreshing the still, they work, although less smoothly.
By the way, is Steraming Video better then Dynamic Image?
It looks faster and shows the picture without delays.
TP is an NXT-1200VG with up-to-date firmware.
If someone is willing to test this for me on your system, I can give you the URL. Just shoot me a private message.
The panel is working with other dynamic images though... weather radar and such.
Then I am wrong. But I'm still on vacation.
so you could simulate that in code but then again just calling ^RFR 5-10 times a second might achieve the same thing. Of course these panels probably can't handle this, master>TP>camera>TP over and over again multiple times a second. Now the new G5 X panels might with their on board browser but I'll probably never get to play with one.