NS - Passwords must consist of numbers only???

Is this a new feature or something? I've decided to start building my source code with a password, and got a warning. Quite strange in my opinion.
Of course that's the day I extracted the source from a system and over wrote my current files. Fortunately I did back up the files to my laptop that morning since I intended to go to that job but didn't. I then programmed in the office all day and did the extraction that night so I only lost a day of work. That's such an awful feeling when I realized what a dumb a$$ I am and tried to play back the days programming in my head. Now a days that's not easy.
I think the file extraction process should automaticlly create a sub directory to hold the extracted files. Although it does prompt you to overwrite or not, I'm one of those guys that sees the prompt and clicks "yes to all" with out first reading since by then I'm in the middle of something else "A.D.D" and simply didn't think.
Confuzzled to say the least....