What happens when a master runs out of disk?
in AMX Hardware
I realized after I left a site that I left a non-elegant logger running that is going to fill up the drive sooner rather than later.
To be honest, I was logging quite a bit before and only came up with a 3MB file of text. How big is the card? A 64MB (depending on the size of your master's CF) text file is quite large . . . surely you'll be back before it gets that big. I really wouldn't worry about it until you get back - but that's just me.
Worst case scenario: your master blows up and destroys your rack and any other surrounding equipment.
I would create daily log files and then create an array to log the file names created based on the date. Then just delete the files older than x amount of days.
DHawthorne posted a logger that may still be found somewhere on the forum that I've been using for years. If you can find it you might want to give it a try. If you can't maybe shoot Dave a PM and he'd probably be happy to send it to you when he gets a spare minute or two.