ni-2000 problem
I have a used ni-2000 device and I am trying to program it by a serial port. I set the baud rate to 9600 and com 1 but the device doesn’t connect. In addition, the input led of the device always on I don’t know
Why. I try to reboot it by plugging the power off for a few seconds is this correct or there is another option to reboot it.
I have also a ni-3000 and ni-3100 and they do manage to connect to the serial communication.
What can be the problem??????
Thanks for any help.
Why. I try to reboot it by plugging the power off for a few seconds is this correct or there is another option to reboot it.
I have also a ni-3000 and ni-3100 and they do manage to connect to the serial communication.
What can be the problem??????
Thanks for any help.
Another problem is that the SPD of the Ethernet cable doesn't turn on is this because I need first to connect in a serial port
Config dip switches 5,6,7 & 8:
I don't think that the yellow input light should glow continuously -- this may be a problem. Try activating the program disable (dip switch #1 on) if you can't connect after getting the baud rate configured properly. If the input activity light remains glowing and the Axlink light doesn't blink properly, I think you should be worried.
If you can't connect via serial cable to the program port, getting the IP parameters so you can connect via ethernet may be a problem. Probably the master came set up with DHCP and it may still be that way. You can try to connect a dhcp server to the master and see if it acquires IP information. Also, if UDP on the master has not been disabled and it has IP set (either static or dhcp) you may be able to get the IP information in Netlinx studio communications "listen."
If it's a firmware problem, I don't know how to fix that without first connecting either via the programming serial port or ethernet.
Again, if you don't have axlink and the input light is constantly on, you may have a problem,
I need to dip switch #1 on and then try to connect via programming port? beacuse I tried this but it is still doesn't work. the light is still on it doen't turn on. what can I do?????Is there another option????