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Reboot Zigbee Gateway NXR-ZGW from code

I have noticed occasional lock ups of Zigbee gateways that cause R4's to have connection issues on some of our systems. I want to proactively reboot the gateways on a daily or weekly basis.

Is there a way to easily reboot the gateways from Netlinx code? Also, we mostly use PoE to power them so running the power supply through a relay won't work.


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    You can send the Zigbee gateway a reboot command via either Telnet, or a SEND_COMMAND to it's device number in code. I haven't found it necessary to reboot them periodically, but I have seen the R4 stop working for no discernible reason once in a very great while; rebooting the gateway usually resolves it. You can also reboot it from it's web interface, but that's probably the least convenient way to do it.
  • wilw410wilw410 Posts: 14
    I don't see the SEND_COMMAND for reboot in any documentation. I tried it here, and it doesn't seem to work. Has anyone ever done this? If so, it would obviously be the easiest solution.

    I was able to telnet from the master to the gateway and send "reboot" to accomplish the task, but if there is a SEND_COMMAND it would save me some code.

  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    the reboot command is 'REBOOT(device number)'
  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    Sorry about that. I blame it on faulty memory, advancing years, and responding too fast :)

    It's not a SEND_COMMAND, it's the REBOOT() function, as Eric pointed out.
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