
Here's an interesting thing that I'm not understanding. When I type the word 'Password' (no quotes) anywhere in code, it highlights the same color as a 'Type' keyword. I am using it as a variable, but no matter where it is typed in code, it goes to the other color. I've tried it on a few different programs and even a blank template. Keyword search and a trip to Tech Notes doesn't reveal any info. Not a big deal, but puzzling.
(* URL Manipulation structure *)
CHAR Flags; // Connection Type (normally 1)
INTEGER Port; // TCP port (normally 1319)
CHAR URL[128]; // string: URL or IP address
CHAR User[20]; // optional account info for ICSPS Added v1.21
CHAR Password[20]; // optional account info for ICSPS Added v1.21
Because the NetLinx.AXI is always included in NetLinx code, the keyword PASSWORD is part of a structure, and so it will be highlighted as a structure element....