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I just upgraded from an AX-CV10 to a MVP-7500. I converted my Template to fit the 7500, changed the device number to match programming DEFINE DEVICE touch_panel = 129:1:0. Connected wirelessly to controller but get no response from button presses. Actually when I do a button press the Input light on the controller (Netlinx NI-3000) flashes. Not sure what I am doing wrong, I tried using device setting 10001 also and still nothing. Is their something I need to do in the protected setup?


Newbie Paul

P.S. When I switch back to the CV10 everything works as usual.


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    ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    although technically the device number doesn't matter, there are some conventions that you're breaking. Typically Modero panels have device numbers in the 10000 range. For example oyu panel address might be 10001:01:0

    So, your device number of 129 or whatever yo set it up seems a bit odd. Here again, it can be set to that but that's down in the AxLink device range.

    To see what is indeed happening you can enable Push Messages in the Diagnostic menu.

    A little green window will show up on the lower center of Netlinx Studio This will show you any puch that happens in your system regardless of address. So, you can find out what address your MVP-7500 is set to..

    Some other things to watch. make sure the 7500 is connected to the master, and not just any connection but the one you're working with. In systems with multiple masters I've quite often seen panels connect to the wrong master. The things seems connected because you get a green light. But, it's connected to another master.

    You can also telnet into the master on port 23 and turn on system messages to see what's going on. 'msg on all' is the command.

    Hope that helps.
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    Thanks Eric, turned out when converted my TP3 Design to TP4 the channel port was set to 2 when it needed to be 1. Is there a way in TP4 to do a batch change? I would like to change all my buttons to port 1 and instead of doing it individually I was hoping I could do it in one shot.

    Thanks Again,

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    viningvining Posts: 4,368
    In TPD4 go to edit > Find & Replace. There are radio buttons in the center of the find & replace pop up that allows you to choose "entire panel", "current page" (open and in focus), or selected buttons.

    Check the appropriate boxes on either side to do what you want. In the Programming sections, channel port, code, etc. Once the box is checked use the drop down to select the appropriate channel to find and to replace.
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    Thanks Vining, if it was a snake it would have bit me.

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