Marantz Receiver Commands
I am pre-programming for a Marantz receiver that I do not have here for testing. The commands seem to be quite uniform across most models so I'm hoping someone may have first-experience with this protocol.
All of the commands are followed with what the manual refers to as "/r" before the delimiter.
For example, the command for audio mute is:
What does the /r refer to?
I am pre-programming for a Marantz receiver that I do not have here for testing. The commands seem to be quite uniform across most models so I'm hoping someone may have first-experience with this protocol.
All of the commands are followed with what the manual refers to as "/r" before the delimiter.
For example, the command for audio mute is:
What does the /r refer to?
My doc and our command file show that to be a hex 0D, a return. Our command for MUTE OFF is
followed by a $0D which is hex RETURN. So you don't code the / or an r, just a return instead of /r
By the way, MUTE ON is @AMT:2
This is the old Marantz protocol. the new units use the DENON protocol:
Mute is
MUON [return]
MUOFF [return]
for example.
Also found today that the newer MARANTZ and MACINTOSH BluRay players also share a protocol. World is getting smaller.
One thing to note too. Marantz has (annoyingly) put a Green[\I][\I] feature that can really horse up a control system. Basically the power is OFF and the unit will not respond to ANY RS232 commands until you physically power it up from the front panel button. You have to send a couple commands to the unit to disable this feature. (I'm sitting in O Hare right now and don't have the commands handy. sorry). After sending the command the unit will work normally. That is until it looses wall power and resets itself back to factory.
I just send the commands to the unit at each power up and down command. The clients know to manually hit the power if the unit doesn't fire up and power the system down and up again to get it all happy.
Kevin D.
For example, Multi-zone A (zone 2) and Multi-zone B (zone three) both show @MPW:1 as their power off command.
I'll assume that the /r is just a reference to the needed CR.