How do you guys handle multiple displays on your GUIs?
I've been on a kick lately to make all of my GUIs more user friendly. For years now I've always programmed Source to Destination, which generally works like this (in multiple display rooms)
1- select source from list (down the left or across the top/bottom of panel)
2- source controls popup in general open section in middle of panel
3- touch "send to display 1" or "send to display 2" button which is either on the right or in the main area of the panel. You can touch as many of these as you like, to send it to as many displays as you like.
Lately, though, this has just felt a bit clunky. There's never a clear space on the panel to place the "send to display" type buttons, because they don't really belong in the control area, but they don't deserve their own section around the border because they can only be used when you've selected a source, so if you're in a submenu (like an advanced control page, or an audio control page) then you have to make them disappear. Plus, you end up with some redundancy created by having a "send to display" button and some sort of feedback for that display being elsewhere.
This is hard to describe in text, and I don't have screenshots handy (although I'll try to put some up soon if this discussion actually ends up materializing), but basically I'm just curious to see how other people handle systems with 4 or 5 sources that can each be sent to 2-4 displays. All of the templates available out there seem entirely build around having a single display, so there just aren't a lot of additional ideas out there.
1- select source from list (down the left or across the top/bottom of panel)
2- source controls popup in general open section in middle of panel
3- touch "send to display 1" or "send to display 2" button which is either on the right or in the main area of the panel. You can touch as many of these as you like, to send it to as many displays as you like.
Lately, though, this has just felt a bit clunky. There's never a clear space on the panel to place the "send to display" type buttons, because they don't really belong in the control area, but they don't deserve their own section around the border because they can only be used when you've selected a source, so if you're in a submenu (like an advanced control page, or an audio control page) then you have to make them disappear. Plus, you end up with some redundancy created by having a "send to display" button and some sort of feedback for that display being elsewhere.
This is hard to describe in text, and I don't have screenshots handy (although I'll try to put some up soon if this discussion actually ends up materializing), but basically I'm just curious to see how other people handle systems with 4 or 5 sources that can each be sent to 2-4 displays. All of the templates available out there seem entirely build around having a single display, so there just aren't a lot of additional ideas out there.
When the system startsu out, the user comes to this page first. They select the tv they want to use. (usually the big one in the middle) Once there a popup apears around the TV of choice to select a source. (the big tv's source selections are more like wings on the sides as opposed to drop downs below like pictured.
The source selection powers up the TV if not on, and closes all this and binrgs up the source controls for hte TV. The last selected soruce (of any) TVs is the one in play on the screen. To turn on other TVs they go back to the page your see.
The other approach I've taken to the OP's question is to have the user select a screen first, then a source. Screen selects at the top, source selects in the middle, device controls at the bottom. On the source select popup, there are also power controls that operate the selected display. This layout was provided by the customer, since they (quite reasonably) wanted their new rooms to look and act like their existing rooms.
@ariot: I totally agree that there's no ideal way to do it, I'm just underwhelmed by my current approach and was looking for other ideas to see if I liked them any better.
No doubt. It can be one of the trickiest things to design well.
In addition to the GUI you also have a whole bunch of other tech that forms the user interface - acoustic input, visual input (most controllable cameras you buy now have some basic vision analysis or at least motion sensing - this gets funky when your PTZ's aren't in use as it essentially gives you moveable, zoom-able motion/presence sensors to play with), PIR's, luminosity sensors etc. These can all be used to greatly simplify the number of discreet controls required on a GUI.
I'd recommend the guide apple has for iOS developers:
(Not sure that link works if you aren't logged in).
Some global articles you can find if you google human interface guideline(s).
My opinion is that going from broad selections to narrow is the most intuitive. If the controller can do multiple rooms, that's a top menu item, to change the room. Once your "in" a room, you select whether you are watching or listening, and then you select a source. I consider multiple monitors just a branch of the source selection, so if that's a choice, you get the option after selecting "Watch" in that room. There's one exception, and honestly, it's only come up twice for me, and that is when the monitor choice is an either/or thing. For example, I had a client with a projector in his main TV room, but also a flat screen that came out of the floor on a lift. The flat screen was the "everyday" TV, and the projector for special occasions. But you couldn't possibly watch both, since the flatscreen popped up right in front of the projector screen. In that kind of case, I put the source selection first, then a popup lets you choose the monitor, if you are selecting from an off condition.
Have a look at the DIS and DISII from RWTH-Aachen University - the video's of previous lectures are all available via iTunesU. Also read research papers that come out of the Stanford HCI Group and the MIT Media Lab.
Stanford run a HCI seminar named CS547 that is a combination of jaw dropping talks on technology, psychology, art, design and everything in between. Again, these are available on iTunesU or YouTube. Best thing is, all of this is completely free.
This book I learned a lot from in my job making signs, but the principles hold for UI design as well I think.