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How fast can you send ^RMF and ^RFR?

I am tasked with integrating a Ganz Security DVR and getting the camera feeds onto a couple of wireless panels.

The unit uses a CGI interface to update the web browser with a new JPG file for every image refresh and I am wondering how much I am going to bog down the AMX system by sending ^RMF and ^RFR commands to the touch panels for every frame change.

It looks like the existing web interface is requesting a new image about every second, so it might not be too bad.

The response from the CGI interface is simply: "&filepath=../jpeg/ch00_1303746148_748383.jpg" so parsing won't be hard at all.

Should I go forward with writing a module to handle this for me or should I work on getting the salesperson to get some more money so we can use a better DVR with an actual image stream (MJPG or H.264)?


  • a_riot42a_riot42 Posts: 1,624
    You can send the commands as fast as you like. If the images are cached on the panel they show up instantly. Since that isn't the case in your application, you are dependent on the wireless connection and the size of the files, and the type of touch panel which you don't mention. With an 8400 and a small file size and an excellent wireless connection, once a second should be just fine. With a 5200, large file size, and mediocre wireless, then I would expect to have problems.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    My suggestion would be to telnet into the panel, and issue a "msg on all" to see how quick the panel grabs the image. You will see errors if you issue refresh commands while it's already refreshing. While you might not see a performance hit, I consider any "error" a bad thing.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    You can pass a CGI stream call right to the panel and avoid having to slice it yourself. It will be a motion stream. For instance, the url for motion from the cheap IPVideo 9100a is "http://[ip address]/GetData.cgi" which, when passed to the panel for a dynamic image, makes a nice motion image.

    Your device may not allow this. Find out by putting the cgi url in a browser. If it shows the motion without loading any activex or java, the panel probably can show it too.
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