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Weird gateway time bug

Doing some tshooting of a zigbee gateway I noticed something odd and wondered if others are seeing this as well. I guess the gateways get their time from the master, and in the gateway's connection log, I noticed that at 12:15 PM, the connection events in the connection log were reporting their time as 12:15 AM. An hour later, at 1:15 PM, the log entries were correct, reporting their time as 1:15 PM. Somehow, between noon and 1:00 PM the gateway reports AM instead of PM to the connection log. This threw me as I was trying to determine what time a connection happened and couldn't figure out how an event in the connection log could exist prior to the gateway being installed. Has anyone else seen this behavior? It might be a minor display bug, or something more serious related to the way the gateway interprets time from the master.
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