Looping Channel Pulses
I have an odd problem with a large (for me) AMX project. I've got about 40 displays being controlled via IR. I have shutdown and startup functions which loop through an array of structs and pulse the discreet on or off channel for each display. This will work fine for a month or so. Then the client will report that random displays will stop reacting to the global on and off macros. They can still turn the displays on or off using dedicated power on and off buttons I've included for every TV (via a button push on their 8400s). That's the strange part. I don't know why the button pushes work and the macro doesn't. Both are simply pulsing the appropriate dev's channel. Also the degenerative nature of the issue is confusing.
Powering down the Netlinx will fix the problem for another month or so.
The system consists of an NI-3100 with two frames stuffed with IR and a few serial cards. The expansion frames are connected via ICSP.
Any ideas?
Powering down the Netlinx will fix the problem for another month or so.
The system consists of an NI-3100 with two frames stuffed with IR and a few serial cards. The expansion frames are connected via ICSP.
Any ideas?
Sorry to hear about your declining telepathy skills.
Here's the loop in the shutdown function:
for(i = 1; i <= 33; i++)
The button pushes are the same type of thing but they only effect one of the devs in the array and are of course in a button event.
Thanks. I will give that a shot.
You don't even need a loop to accomplish what you are trying to do.
That will pulse all of the displays at once.
My preferred way to do it is:
[php]send_command SanyoDisplays,"'SP',2"[/php]
This still send the IR command to all displays at once, but has all of the benefits over pulse that have been mentioned earlier in this thread.
I changed my post to accommodate your settings.
how about when you want to minimize tje pulse or time the ir pulse?
as what i've experience, strangly this IR pulse 4 times in 1 press. when i press down it goes 4 times down, when up it goes 4 times up. thats why i need to set pulse time to minimal to resolve this issue, any advice on this issue?
CTON and CTOF are the commands to setup the ON and OFF times for the SP command on the IR ports.
Check out AMX-PI.
One of the reasons SP is preferred over PULSE is that CTON/CTOF are port specific where as SET_PULSE_TIME() is a global time that effects ALL pulses within the system.