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AMXHome + Autonomic Apple TV + Rocket GUI

Does anyone have experience of adding additional modules like Autonomics and RocketGUI to AMXHome? Can a NI3100 with 64mb Memory handle it? When these modules are added in the code, I loose online events for TPs when rebooting the AMX controller. I think there's an overload on the interpreter on startup? What do you all think?


  • DHawthorneDHawthorne Posts: 4,584
    You can tell if the interpreter is getting bogged down on startup by watching it in a Telnet session. You'll see notifications for how many messages are in queue, then, when the queue overflows, a notification for that as well. It's only then that the messages are actually lost. You can raise the queue limit threshold if you must, though I have found it can make startup develop timing issues.
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