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Squeezebox (Jeff Coffler Module)

Hello - I have been using the Jeff Coffler module on my first ever setup (NI-3000 and a couple of CV-10's) and things have been working for some time without a hitch. I have just recently upgraded to a MVP-7500 and was hoping to take advantage of the visual Art work etc. I have un-commented USING_MODERO_PANEL as stated in the instructions and my new panel is defined as

TOUCH_PANEL = 10008:1:0

I have kept the mac addresses for my squeezeboxes that worked previously with the CV-10's so those should still work. I'm missing something but not sure where I'm going wrong. Any help would be much appreciated.



P.S. When I revert back to the CV-10's and (// USING_MODERO_PANEL) things work as expected.


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    thepainterthepainter Posts: 69
    Anyone? Still struggling to get this to work.
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    vegastechvegastech Posts: 369
    Which squeezebox are you using? I am interested in using one at my house, but I'm unsure if one version works better than another.
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    thepainterthepainter Posts: 69
    I'm using SB2 and the Receiver - Both work no problem with the CV10's that I have.
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