Studio STILL Crashing
So I just did a complete Windows reinstalltion on my PC. It's XP SP3. The first time I went to connect to a master in Netlinx Sudio...CRASH!!!
Certainly someone, somwhere must know why this happens!
If you tell me the secret, I promise I won't tell anyone!
Certainly someone, somwhere must know why this happens!
If you tell me the secret, I promise I won't tell anyone!
I'm pretty sure this happens regardless of TPD4 being open but I'll pay more attention the next couple of times to see if that is indeed the case. I know there is the interaction where TPD4 will crash sometimes if NS3 is open, ususally after an NS3 file xfer which subsequently causes the TPD4 connection to the master to drop when it reboots.
I pretty much just except it's going to happen occassionly.
I can confirm that it doesn't matter whether TP4 is open or not with those crashes. The crashes are a bit of an annoyance, but I've (unfortunately) gotten used to it as well.
This is pretty much the only time I see NS3 crash on Win7.
Surprisingly I have seen quite a few more crashes on XP than 7. I can usually get the crashes to stay away for a while by deleting all of the "Duet" temp folders (usually 40-50) in AppData->Local->Temp.