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NI-3000 Program Port Dead ( Any Solution)

RaphayoRaphayo Posts: 111
Hi all,

I have a NI-3100 and the Program port seem's to be death. Unable to access to the processor. is there a way to communication with the processor by another way.

Is there a way to use another com port for programming, i have search on the Technote and on the forum, the only things i found it's about the axcess processor with the command Esc MC or Esc MD.

thanks for your help.


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    can you not connect to it via IP?

    If it's a working system, you might be able to find the ip address of the master by looking at the setup of a modero touch panel. it'll have the master's URL.
  • RaphayoRaphayo Posts: 111
    No way to connect thru ip, seem the ip port never been configurated, is there a default config of the ethernet port ?
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    well, it might be set to dhcp then. try hooking it up to a router and cycling the power of the NI to see if it comes online. You can log into the router and look up the DHCP table and see if it took an address.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    The other thing I just thought about is that the program port might not be dead but is just set to another baud rate. the default is 38400 but I've seen them set to 115K or whatnot. Didi you try cycling through the available baud rates?
  • RaphayoRaphayo Posts: 111
    i checked my dhcp table of the router, nothing appear, i try different baud rate by changing the dipswitch settings witho no success. i try with the dipswitch 1 set to on with no success.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    I would change the baud rate on the software myself. If you're using Netlinx Diagnostics 1.0 its very easily done.
  • RaphayoRaphayo Posts: 111
    Try with Netlinx Diagnostic with no success.

    It would be nice if i could set another port has a programming port

    can i use another device connected thru Axlink to communicate with the master processor ?
  • CT-DallasCT-Dallas Posts: 157
    Did you try the Listen feature in netlinx studio? Another option is to use the bonjour plug-in for your internet browser. I have not had great success with the zero config (aka bonjour) feature in netlinx studio, but I have good success with it in Internet Explorer.
  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    Raphayo wrote: »
    Try with Netlinx Diagnostic with no success.

    It would be nice if i could set another port has a programming port

    can i use another device connected thru Axlink to communicate with the master processor ?

    Unfortunately you cannot use the other ports for a program port. Also, there's no way to use the AxLink buss either. It may be bricked and you'll have to send it in to be reset.
  • AfricaAfrica Posts: 1
    NI3100 unit


    I've got similar problem resolved. Connected AMX NI3100 with Ethernet cable to PC (directly) and started Wireshark application (free sniffer) which discovered AMX's IP address (even from different subnet). Then I set my PC to the same subnet IP address, and was able to access NI3100 via NetLinx Studio...that's it.
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