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Zigbee Gateway IP Adress

Finally have some time to play with my Demo R4 I bought last year. I started by taking the Zigbee Gateway out of the box and putting it on my network. I run Zero Config and I get an IP address of Try to enter the unit through Netlinx and IE9 (Compatibility turned ON) and get no luck. Tried several factory resets with no luck.

Any Ideas, thoughts or is it a bad unit?

Thanks in advance

David Groves


  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    What subnet is your PC on? Does the Zero Config Utility allow you to set the gateway's IP? (I've never used it) If so set it to a address on your PC's and Master's subnet. If zero config doesn't allow you to set the gateway's IP you'll have to change the IP of your PC to a static address in the gateways subnet. Connect, set the IP of the gateway and then reset your PC back to DHCP so it goes back to its previous address.
  • davegrovdavegrov Posts: 114

    I tried changing the IP address of my PC to the same one except the last number of the octet and when I did that Windows set subnet for me. I've used a similar procedure when setting up the new WAP's and the Zone Director. No luck here.

    My hunch is that this Gateway is for use in a country other than the USA.
  • TurnipTruckTurnipTruck Posts: 1,485
    I just let them get a DHCP address then look for their MAC in my router's client table.
  • davegrovdavegrov Posts: 114
    Thank You

    Turnip Truck,

    Thank You. That approach worked. Wish I had though about it myself. One more trick in the toolbag.
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