Fixing corrupt TP4 file?

Well, I hit save and TPD4 crashed hard. File had locked permissions at that point. Rebooted and the file is no longer locked, but it errors as invalid panel type. Tech support has the file, but they didn't sound hopeful.
Anyone know how the files are structured and if there's any way to save part or all of it? Last backup was from over a week ago. I would pull from the TP, but there's only iPad's here. I've got a ticket with TPC to see how they store the file and if there's any way to get it off of there.
Kevin D.
Anyone know how the files are structured and if there's any way to save part or all of it? Last backup was from over a week ago. I would pull from the TP, but there's only iPad's here. I've got a ticket with TPC to see how they store the file and if there's any way to get it off of there.
Kevin D.
The main lesson I learned is that even if you can get the file back marginally so that you can try and copy/paste some of it into a new healthy file, the act of moving stuff over seems to plant seeds into the new file that cause it to be crappy when uploaded. after much fussing, I finally gave up and pretty much started from scratch.
That should list your back up location and temp folder location. The back up should be updated every save and the temp should hold the last transfer. At least that's what I would expect them to do.
What I would give for the versioning feature coming in OSX Lion right about now...
I have it set to backup, but don't think I was aware it existed. Sure would have been nice if that question was asked on the phone.
Went to the directory and there is was safe, sound, and working..
I owe you one.
Kevin D.