Feature request ? Netlinx Studio ? Pulse Channel in Control a Device

Would it be possible to get a Pulse channel inside the Control a Device dialog box of Netlinx Studio? Kind of like a cousin to Push channel inside Emulate a Device. AFAIK the only way to pulse IR codes is to fire-up (and I use the term loosely) IREdit. It would be great if we could use Netlinx Studio to pulse an IR code when testing/troubleshooting. Or is there a way to do that now that I don?t know about.
I'm not sure but I think you can. I dont have a master handy to try it out right now.
You can download it here: http://www.domedia.net/index.php?phpLang=en&page=diagdownload&title=DOWNLOAD
Feel free to write to me for any ideas, complaints....