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I've gone from knowing absolutely nothing to setting up my HT Sources with much help from the forum so I am now moving on to my next step which is to try and get a visual for my volume on my Denon 4310 (using RS232). I'm thinking I need to have a query with a feedback for the current volume and have that associated with a bargraph to get the visual for the up and down levels. On that note I would also like to be able to have my power button be 'Green' when ON and 'Red' when OFF. So far I have progressed by looking at examples of code on how to get it running and am not sure how difficult this is to get going but any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks Again,



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    ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    The purest and simplest form of this is to parse any incoming strings from the processor, convert them from ASCII to integer values and then send that level to the TP fader.

    So in the data_event something along the lines OS

    Ex. Let's say the processor spits out 'Vol=50' for vol at 50%

    Do a remove_string(buffer,'=',1) which leaves '50' in the buffer.

    Now do

    nProcessor_level=atoi(buffer) to convert the string to an integer value.

    Then send the value to the fader with a level command. TP levels are 0-255 by default. You can change the in TP Design to match whatever you processor does or just do the math to convert to a 255 scale. (I do the latter myself)

    I tend to handle all my feedback in another routine with a timeline as I don't always want to send feedback if I don't need to. If/When you get into multi-panel systems you'll find that you need to do some management of feedback to keep your systems running nice and zippy.
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