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ni 3100 can't load program

hi, i'm on site....i can see the device tree, it just won't let me load the program any longer. i can connect to the master in can load to the touch panel... but any time i try and send a file to the master. the file transfer fails. i can reboot the master and every thing works. but i need to make changes and i'm connected Ethernet, every time i go to load it fails.



  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    can't load program

    i have connect straight to the NI-3100. i can connect to the unit, i can reboot the unit, but i can't load to the unit
  • BigsquatchBigsquatch Posts: 216
    First things first. In the file transfer window choose "remove all" and start over. Add the files again that you need to upload. I've made the mistake before where I changed comm settings and the files were still set with the old settings.
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    Bigsquatch wrote: »
    First things first. In the file transfer window choose "remove all" and start over. Add the files again that you need to upload. I've made the mistake before where I changed comm settings and the files were still set with the old settings.

    i have done that, but i will do it again just to be sure....the file i'm loading has the same ethernet address.....also i just did a hard power reboot.... basically nupluging the system
  • BigsquatchBigsquatch Posts: 216
    Can you ping the master or telnet to it?
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    Bigsquatch wrote: »
    Can you ping the master or telnet to it?

    yes, i can ping the master. i can operate all the diagnostics functions....i just can't seem to load to it....i'll try and telnet to it. i can see all the device's online
  • turn on dipswitch one and hard reboot. this boots up the master but skips loading the program. now try to load your new code. if it works now your code may be in a loop or have some other problem. i've had systems that would not load like that before.
  • don't forget to turn dipswitch one back off and hard reboot to run the program again.
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    don't forget to turn dipswitch one back off and hard reboot to run the program again.

    trying now
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    thatcat wrote: »
    trying now

    switches 1,6,7,8 are on....still can't load program
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    thatcat wrote: »
    switches 1,6,7,8 are on....still can't load program

    i can telnet in to the system
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    thatcat wrote: »
    i can telnet in to the system

    i still can't send the program to the system (ni3100)
  • BigsquatchBigsquatch Posts: 216
    Are you sure that your code compiled? If there was an error and no tko? was generated upload will fail. However it will give you an error message that states that pretty clearly so that's probably not it.
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    Bigsquatch wrote: »
    Are you sure that your code compiled? If there was an error and no tko? was generated upload will fail. However it will give you an error message that states that pretty clearly so that's probably not it.

    i was loading code and making changes just fine until it just stopped....i'm trying to check the memory now...and i have used this same code at another location...last tuesday....this is an identical project with a few minor changes
  • BigsquatchBigsquatch Posts: 216
    Maybe try uploading just an IR file or just the source etc. Maybe it can be narrowed down to a specific file.
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    Bigsquatch wrote: »
    Maybe try uploading just an IR file or just the source etc. Maybe it can be narrowed down to a specific file.

    i have been trying to just upload the source...i did notice that if i telnet in to the system with dip switch one down. i get a weird feed back...when i telnet with dip switch one up it gives me a clear prompt......now i'm trying to check the memory and now i can't seem to connect at all.....i'm rebooting everything to see if a i can get a connection back
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15
    thatcat wrote: »
    i have been trying to just upload the source...i did notice that if i telnet in to the system with dip switch one down. i get a weird feed back...when i telnet with dip switch one up it gives me a clear prompt......now i'm trying to check the memory and now i can't seem to connect at all.....i'm rebooting everything to see if a i can get a connection back

    question?....when i reboot with the dip switch 1 in the on position should the status light come on? i just have the link light flashing and when i try an connect it goes solid
  • VladaPUBVladaPUB Posts: 139
    Try to create simple source with some LED on master looping ON and OFF and try to upload that file. It is 5 minute job, and you will see is problem in your code.
  • thatcatthatcat Posts: 15

    the processor did lock up....got a replacement everything works fine
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