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TP4 & Windows 7 64Bit

Hi All,
I am running the latest version of TP4 on two machine, both of which are running Windows 7 64 Bit. I also have the latest version of TPTransfer installed which 'patched tp design'.

I have been having problems of late where at random points in time, panel graphics get screwed up in the file! It is most frustrating and proving hard to work as it appears to happen more often in the very latest revision of TPDesign4.

The symptons are, when loading a graphic heavy panel, some of the graphics will get muddled up when I transfer it. They look fine when I look at the TP4 file on my computer but if I cut and past the faulty button it then permenantly takes on the wrong graphic! Even worse it can be in the middle of a multistate button so it doesn't get noticed until the 11th hour when I realise the animated buttons glitch.

The other thing I have noticed with a faulty button isthat, when I locate one, the properties of the button say the wrong graphic name although until I either cut and paste it or reopen the panel it will still be displaying the correct graphic on the PC.

Anyone else experincing this glitch? Or more importantly have a resolution!? I know that it'll prob get blamed on windows 7 but I have to say that I have very little trouble with other software! Even TP3 runs smoothly.




  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    Call it in to tech support and complain, though I'm going to guess not much will be done with this revision.

    Revert back to the previous TPD4 and all should be well. It ran well on my Win7 64bit machine, now it's junk. Reminds me of the NS 2.7 days.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    I have had this graphic swap corruption issue when using VISTA as well, so it's not necessarily a W7 exclusive.

    I could NOT repair or salvage any part of the projects once this occurred. Copying parts of it into a good project infected it as well. I had to revert to an older save and work through again.

    This happened to me twice, and I use TPD4 almost every day, so it is rare in my circumstances.
  • AuserAuser Posts: 506
    John Nagy wrote: »
    I have had this graphic swap corruption issue when using VISTA as well, so it's not necessarily a W7 exclusive.

    Add WinXP 32 bit to the list.
    John Nagy wrote: »
    I could NOT repair or salvage any part of the projects once this occurred. Copying parts of it into a good project infected it as well. I had to revert to an older save and work through again.

    This is not my experience. Closing TPD4 and reopening the project is a mandatory part of the process however and the damaged buttons stay damaged - the screwed up properties need to be reapplied.
    John Nagy wrote: »
    This happened to me twice, and I use TPD4 almost every day, so it is rare in my circumstances.

    I have seen this behaviour on numerous occasions. The frequency of occurrence seems to me to be linked to the amount of copy and paste operations (buttons and pages/subpages) undertaken in a single TPD4 session. It's annoying but hasn't been aggravating enough for me to report it to TS. We have fairly well defined TP4 templates which only require about 20% customisation for most projects so it's generally only on really gnarly projects that I run into this bug.
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