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MET-ECOM-D, Not registered.

Hi everyone,

I have a MET-ECOM-D, and I want to register in the CSG-544 (like a SIP phone), but
I can't do that. In the SIP settings of the MET-ECOM-D the connection is: Not Registered.

I think the problem resides in the MET-ECOM-D, because I already registered many devices
in the CSG-544 (Cisco phone, Touch panel, softphone, analog phone) and work well.

Assuming that all my parameters in the SIP Settings of the MET-ECOM-D are properly set
(I believe so), what can I do to solve this problem?

I don't know if I'm missing something obvious or I'm doing something wrong, that's why
I'm posting here (this is driving me crazy).

Any suggestion is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


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    Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    It has been a while, but maybe this little tidbit is responsible for the behavior you are seeing. As I recall, the MET-ECOM units initiate a phone call by having the NetLinx master tell the CSG that the door station wants to start a call. I think this might cause what you are describing. Did you try running the module that is provided by AMX and testing the doorstation?

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    Thank you for your reply Jeff!,

    I used the 'AMX Communications Application' that AMX provides and still doesn't work. I also changed
    the value of the variable "csgIPaddr"(for my own CSG IP); but I'm not so sure if there is another thing to change in the code.

    What else could it be wrong?, or, what kind of test should I do to know exactly where the problem is?

    Thanks for your time.
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    Spire_JeffSpire_Jeff Posts: 1,917
    I wish I could provide further assistance, but it has been at least a year since I last played with the CSG and I don't recall the specifics. If it is an option, I would recommend calling AMX tech support. They were able to help me configure the NetLinx code to get the ECOM working.

    One thing did just pop into my mind. I vaguely recall having to play with the user settings on the ECOM and the CSG and at one point, I just started a new extension and reconfigured both units and things started working. I don't recall if it was because I had missed a setting somewhere, or I just sacrificed the right thing to the right programming deity at the right time :)

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    Hi everyone,

    I finally get my MET-ECOM-D registered in the csg544.

    After setting up all the properties in both sides (CSG and MET-ECOM-D) and running the module
    that AMX provides, the last step is make a call from the MET-ECOM-D to any extension in the
    system (maybe there is another way, but this works for me). The simplest way to do that is controlling
    a device in the Netlinx Studio and send:

    "^PHN-CALL, <extension>" to the MET-ECOM-D.

    Also I noticed that the MET-ECOM-D doesn't needs the module to make a simple call, just needs the command
    from the netlinx master.

    I don't know if this problem was so easy and obvious, but I'm new in this. And this solution is for another
    novice like me.

    Thank you Jeff for your suggestion, it was really helpful.
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