Debug info thoughts
Almost all of my client's controllers (99.99%) are running their Netlinx programs with the Debug info ON. I will not lie on this... i am getting bored to change the Setting from the NXStudio Preferences.
I would prefer a Project-wise setting like most Programming IDE's offer.
Apart from my laziness i am wondering if a Release version of a Netlinx program, would be in any way better in ways of Speed/Stability from the Debug version.
What you guys do?
P.S. Couldn't find a similar thread. If one already exist i will dismiss mine.
I would prefer a Project-wise setting like most Programming IDE's offer.
Apart from my laziness i am wondering if a Release version of a Netlinx program, would be in any way better in ways of Speed/Stability from the Debug version.
What you guys do?
P.S. Couldn't find a similar thread. If one already exist i will dismiss mine.
We leave it OFF on some big jobs or on 700's or 2000/3000 when running out of memory is an issue, it gets us back a meg or more.
We've never yet detected a speed or stability difference, so when there's room, we leave it on. I'll be interested in any other experiences on this too.