NetLinx Studio 3.3
A new version of NetLinx studio is out... Lots of good items...
Including Email Integration...
•Added SMTP email support so you can send emails directly from NetLinx or Java: SMTP_SERVER_CONFIG_SET()
Including Email Integration...
•Added SMTP email support so you can send emails directly from NetLinx or Java: SMTP_SERVER_CONFIG_SET()
Keep in mind you'll need to be running master firmware 4.x in order for the new programming features to work (i.e. math, SMTP, logging, etc.) It appears version 4 firmware is not out yet except for the DVX-2100HD.
Great features, just not fully available.
[size=+2][highlight]*Batteries not included[/highlight][/size]
I am not able to test the new features as i am away from office and on vacation.
There is, i thing, a new compiler version too.
That is a good question, and the reason that I am going to hold off up upgrading at least until firmware 4.x is available for downloading.
Version 4 firmware has too large of a footprint to be loaded on anything less than an NI-x100.
It just hit me: even with conditional defines the compiler will also include the placeholders for the new functions. I am not sure if this is going to work. If someone can do a test, that would be great.
This is no different than when other new functions have been added to netlinx.axi in years past.
Point is - your program should run just fine with the the new compiler on pre-4 firmware. And even if you did throw in the new SMTP or math commands in pre-4, your system should still run fine - it just won't execute what you intended because the older firmware doesn't know of these new commands.
It would be stupid for AMX to have a compiler that is not backwards compatible especially if NI-x000 devices are still out there and cannot take version 4 firmware. That would mean you'd have to have two compilers, thus two instances of NetLinx Studio, and you're not able to do that.
And just to verify - last night I compiled a program for a pre-4 master with NS 3.3, and it's running fine as expected.
Edit: on the other hand, I like the firmware loading from the online tree
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Thank you for your time and for making a test. Did you noticed any errors or messages in the console with the MSG ON ALL command? Probably not i think...
Really? I had the impression that the new 4 firmware will be more LIGHTWEIGHT that the previous ones. In this newsletter: it says that the "Updated Operating System – Decreases boot time and system memory usage" so i believed it would be lighter... silly me?
I also noticed that on the new 3.3 studio. And at the begging i blamed my self, having the impression that i missed some setting in the preferences, but nope!
About TPD4, there is a separate thread for whining but since you said about the quick input text, i'm with you. Having a way to do multiline input by pressing CTRL+ENTER while you typing and add a new line, without opening the multiline editor would be a nice feature. And a multiple copy/cut/paste of PAGES and POPUP pages also.
Yeah, I made sure to check preferences before complaining.
The quick input thing in TPD4 worked until the most recent release. Now, it's broken. I've reported it to tech support and am (im)patiently waiting for a fix.
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You had 190 concurrent live IP connections? You had 190 defined IP local port clients defined?
Just interested in large scale projects like this and best way to approach it.
I can no longer get port status by right clicking on a specific port in an online tree.
Anyone else seeing this problem?
Anyway, getting cut with the bleeding edge some more:
* If you compile a duet program and go to transfer, it does not tick "reboot" automatically. This one threw me for a loop, I couldn't figure out why my changes were not taking effect.
* If you use the debugger and are watching a string variable in ASCII, then switch it to HEX, it will only show the first HEX value of the string. Even worse, when you go to switch back to ASCII, it's only the first letter of the variable.
Both unacceptable bugs in my opinion.
Major fail and an extreme inconvenience. Am I the only one to have been bitten by this?
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By the way, how long does AMX typically take to fix the bugs found so far?
On the flip side - it's "freeware", and as probably many of us know - "freeware" usually does not get top priority.
I'd like to see a completely new IDE . . . and in fact am thinking about *trying* to tackle one as part of my many side "hack" projects - particularly a multi-platform one. Anyone interested, have ideas as to where to start?
Without it the controllers are just paper weights (and not aesthetically pleasing ones at that!).
This is a good read - although it's quite difficult to show gratitude when something was working and then not. Oh well . . . I've gotten the drift over the years NS is not on their priority list, though I feel the same way as you: it's an essential tool.
I think there were some discussions about writing a language pack for NetBeans or similar editors a while ago, but I don't think much progress was made.
It was regarding one for eclipse. It's still on my todo list when I get some downtime. The goal is to get a single dev environment for NetLinx and Duet guff.
I'm running Netlinx Studio on Windows 7. I just discovered that the Device Mappings in the Online Tree will not actually refresh until the application is quit and re-launched.
I had two completely different programs, with different device definitions and such, and could load either one on my controller. When I refreshed the Online Tree and updated Device Mappings, it does not remove any previous device mappings. In one program, for an NI-3101, I don't even have 5001:7:0 defined, but when I load that program, it will still show me the device the other program defines at port 5001:7:0. It won't go away until I quit an re-launch Studio. I was able to consistently reproduce this problem any time I changed a device definition and uploaded the changes, they would never show in the Device Mappings until I quit/relaunched.
This must be a known bug, but I can't find it as reported in the forums (not that the search capabilities here are particularly good).
Can anyone confirm this is known, and is being addressed?
I've got a system that is holding about 100 IP connections simultaneously. It's talking to 20 MOXA NPort-4 units configured with each serial on it's own IP port, plus a handful of other IP connections for logging and such.
ZERO problems.
In case you haven't seen, TechNote 999 includes NetLinx Studio Build It was released as a hotfix for the "Failed to receive memory response" error seen in while uploading code to an Axcess master.
This was discussed previously on the forums.
EDIT: I did in fact have this issue. And the really frustrating part was that I had only *just* learned about this option when 525 hit. However, I can confirm that bug has been fixed in 600.
I have partly seen this (only the first or part of the ASCII characters displaying) but only when the string contains a NULL character. I can't recall the HEX values also only showing up in part, but it would make sense if that happened if NetLinx "lost" the rest of the string when it got to the 0 and had no way of displaying it.