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NI-3000/AMX Control Panel not responding HELP!

Touch panel is not controling the VTC system. We have a NI-3000 controlling a VTC system. When the customer presses any button on the touch panel, nothing happens. We have rebooted all equipment in the rack and we have rebooted and calibrated the touch panel. This system was working just fine that morning. Then the next meeting the user could not control the camera angle. I had the customer calibrate and then reboot from the control panel. At first that seemed to fix the problem, camera control was working. However after we started testing to make sure all other buttons functioned properly, it just frooze up and stopped working.

The customer sees the TX/RX lights come on the NI-3000 when they press button on the control panel. I would like to know what other troubleshooting procedures I can do to troubleshoot before sending it in for repair. The customer can only operate the system using remotes, the AMX is dead in the water.

When I visit this site I plan to reload the AMX programming to see if that helps, if not I will replace and have the bad one repaired. I'm looking for more troubleshooting tips that might help me troubleshoot. I just had another go bad about 2 months ago and now this one, it's like they are at the end of there life, I've had these units at 9 sites for years and never had one problem with them. Any tips on troubleshooting to figure out if this out would be helpful.


  • ericmedleyericmedley Posts: 4,177
    There's a number of things to check. I'm gathering that you might not be an AMX programmer and/or technician based upon the line of questioning you're asking.

    This might be a good case to get someone onsite who is. If you had a working program before then the issue has to be either hardware problems or corrupt program.

    I know I've walked into situations where an integrator who wasn't familiar with AMX spent many 10s of hours troubleshooting a problem only to have me suss out the problem in 10 minutes.

    Not that I'm all 'great' and all that. it just helps to know what you're dealing with.

    Hope that helps,
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    sherfieldl wrote: »
    Touch panel is not responding...The customer sees the TX/RX lights come on the NI-3000 when they press button however nothing happens...it appeared to freeze up and has never responded again.

    I'd like to point out that these statements are conflicting. You have focused on the panel because "nothing happens" when the button is pressed, but you then say you see commands going out from the NetLinx when the button is pressed. That could not happen if the panel and the NetLinx were not working together something like correctly.

    Your approach would conclude that if the car won't start (you hear it crank but it doesn't catch), it's reasonable to blame the key... (Not that there aren't some cars where the smart key could actually be the issue but that's not my point)

    If in fact the system ever worked, and the TX/RX lights react when the button is pressed, I would look for a serial wiring break or equipment failure AFTER the NetLinx. Software/programming does not spontaneously change. Hardware and wires do.

    I concur, you should seek onsite help from someone who knows what they are doing.
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    John Nagy wrote: »
    I'd like to point out that these statements are conflicting. You have focused on the panel because "nothing happens" when the button is pressed, but you then say you see commands going out from the NetLinx when the button is pressed. That could not happen if the panel and the NetLinx were not working together something like correctly.
    I read that differently. I think he should have inserted a "but" after the NI-3000 so basically tx & rx lights blink indicating there's some polling going on and at least one device is replying "but" nothing blinks in response to TP pushes.

    Do you have Netlinx Studio to see if the TP is in the online tree? Can you access the setup pages Jto see in your connected to the master? Is there any indication on any viewable pages to indicate a connection? Is this wired or wireless?

    The program seems to be working based on the tx/rx lights so it's likely a connection issue, network or wi-fi.
  • PhreaKPhreaK Posts: 966
    To put your situation in another context: you have a computer with a Dell logo on the front that has had additional hardware added, and a custom Linux install loaded. One day you're mouse stops working in a piece of software a guy built for you. Have a think about what Dell would do if you sent the computer back with a description of 'I rebooted it and its still not working'.

    As others have mentioned it may be a wise to get an AMX tech/programmer to have a look at it, they should at least be able to locate where the issue is, if not fix it up pretty quickly. If you don't have one in you're company there are plenty of awesomely skilled members of the forum from all corners of the globe or contact your local integrator.
  • John NagyJohn Nagy Posts: 1,745
    vining wrote: »
    I read that differently. I think he should have inserted a "but" after the NI-3000 so basically tx & rx lights blink indicating there's some polling going on and at least one device is replying "but" nothing blinks in response to TP pushes.

    I try not to presume there is a missing "but" that reverses the meaning in a post, but you might be right.

    Speaking of "BUTS", I do find the new "moon shot in a thong" avatar that recently appeared on a prolific poster's profile to be entertaining.
  • Thank you

    I know enough to be dangerous, I need to get everything loaded on my new laptop and right know do not have time, I can't explain at this time. I had this problemm at another sight, thought it was a RS-232 problem on the NI-3000, sent it in to get it repaired and found out it was not. But it was acting like this one, I will reload the AMX program when I get on-site and see if that fixes it, if not I will replace it. Was hoping for more testing tips.
    ericmedley wrote: »
    There's a number of things to check. I'm gathering that you might not be an AMX programmer and/or technician based upon the line of questioning you're asking.

    This might be a good case to get someone onsite who is. If you had a working program before then the issue has to be either hardware problems or corrupt program.

    I know I've walked into situations where an integrator who wasn't familiar with AMX spent many 10s of hours troubleshooting a problem only to have me suss out the problem in 10 minutes.

    Not that I'm all 'great' and all that. it just helps to know what you're dealing with.

    Hope that helps,
  • Thank you for your response

    Thank you for your response

    John Nagy wrote: »
    I'd like to point out that these statements are conflicting. You have focused on the panel because "nothing happens" when the button is pressed, but you then say you see commands going out from the NetLinx when the button is pressed. That could not happen if the panel and the NetLinx were not working together something like correctly.

    Your approach would conclude that if the car won't start (you hear it crank but it doesn't catch), it's reasonable to blame the key... (Not that there aren't some cars where the smart key could actually be the issue but that's not my point)

    If in fact the system ever worked, and the TX/RX lights react when the button is pressed, I would look for a serial wiring break or equipment failure AFTER the NetLinx. Software/programming does not spontaneously change. Hardware and wires do.

    I concur, you should seek onsite help from someone who knows what they are doing.
  • Yes I do,thank you for your response

    I have a new laptop and hope to get it loaded back on but may not have enough time, I have to just get this fixed fast as this DOD customer can not wait long. I will practice this troubleshooting tip when I get back.

    vining wrote: »
    I read that differently. I think he should have inserted a "but" after the NI-3000 so basically tx & rx lights blink indicating there's some polling going on and at least one device is replying "but" nothing blinks in response to TP pushes.

    Do you have Netlinx Studio to see if the TP is in the online tree? Can you access the setup pages Jto see in your connected to the master? Is there any indication on any viewable pages to indicate a connection? Is this wired or wireless?

    The program seems to be working based on the tx/rx lights so it's likely a connection issue, network or wi-fi.
  • HedbergHedberg Posts: 671
    John Nagy wrote: »
    Speaking of "BUTS", I do find the new "moon shot in a thong" avatar that recently appeared on a prolific poster's profile to be entertaining.

    I saw the new image, but didn't know what it was. Is it supposed to be obvious? It's still not to me.
  • jjamesjjames Posts: 2,908
    John Nagy wrote: »
    Speaking of "BUTS", I do find the new "moon shot in a thong" avatar that recently appeared on a prolific poster's profile to be entertaining.
    Are you referring to my avatar? If so - you coulda mentioned me by name. :-) If not - disregard.

    BTW - it was the invisible pink unicorn. ;)
  • viningvining Posts: 4,368
    jjames wrote: »
    Are you referring to my avatar? If so - you coulda mentioned me by name. :-) If not - disregard.

    BTW - it was the invisible pink unicorn. ;)

    I thought that was a Narwhal.

    I also tried to find this butt in thong avatar "but" couldn't find.
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