Page Tracking?
Hi there
I am just learning how to track pages on G3 panels with Axcess... Really cool!
Do anyone of you have an Axcess code piece for page tracking to serve me as an example, or have any advice for me? I have already activated all panels to send page track info back to the controllers. I have 2 CA10 and 3 VPNs and in order to save bus bandwidth, I would like to send mp3 tag and other info to each panel only if the panel is on the appropriate page.
I already have a ZONE and DECK variable in my code, but guess that I need to expand them to arrays to hold the ZONE and DECK selections for each of the panels, or is there a better solution for this?
Many thanks in advance!
I am just learning how to track pages on G3 panels with Axcess... Really cool!
Do anyone of you have an Axcess code piece for page tracking to serve me as an example, or have any advice for me? I have already activated all panels to send page track info back to the controllers. I have 2 CA10 and 3 VPNs and in order to save bus bandwidth, I would like to send mp3 tag and other info to each panel only if the panel is on the appropriate page.
I already have a ZONE and DECK variable in my code, but guess that I need to expand them to arrays to hold the ZONE and DECK selections for each of the panels, or is there a better solution for this?
Many thanks in advance!
As far as the state variable itself, I generally make a set of arrays. One array holds all my panels, and I use this in my DATA_EVENT for the page tracking and STRING events. I use GET_LAST to determine which panel the event applies to. Tehn I have another array of the same dimension for the tracking variables, and use the value from the GET_LAST to set the index of the variable I am changing.
Is it possible to detect when the VPN wakes up, and if the selected page is the mp3 page, to send the tag data on the WAKEUP event? Some code will be greatly appreciated.
In Axcess you can use the DEVICE_ID keyword to detect if the panel is on- or offline. Something like;
IF (DEVICE_ID(YourPanelDevNumber) AND !SomeVar)
SomeVar = 1
(* your panel update code *)
IF (!DEVICE_ID(YourPanelDevNumber))
SomeVar = 0
Well, the CA10 goes to sleep and stays ONLINE, whereas the VPN-CP goes to sleep and OFFLINE. That is, sleep is not the issue, it is going OFFLINE that is.
You need to refresh the panel when it comes ONLINE.
There are lots of variations, and you can track pops (@PPN and @PPF instead of PAGE), but that's the general idea.
For what it's worth, the VPT-xx never appears as being "offline" to a control system, as it's the AXR-RF that appears on the bus, unlike the 2-way versions.
- Chip
Exactly what I have found out - this makes the VPT behave more like a "normal" remote which actually never goes to "sleep" and is instantly ready to use. Although the VPN is two way which also has its charm for seeing status feedback of remote equipment and displaying track infos about playing CDs titles or mp3's...
I am just curious to know what MP3 player do you use to get the artist/track information. I am looking for a hard drive MP3 player that could send the data to an AMX controller. Something cheaper than Elan systems.
I am using iTunes running on winXP with a self programmed solution. I have implemented only simple transport functions and playlist selections. Each time a track changes the software is sending me those tags over the RS232 to the controller, who is displaying them on the panels.
The PC is a black box, 19". I have programmed the PC's BIOS to go to standby if it is running and the power buttons is pressed - I have build in a relay in parallel to the power switch, which is basically a closure contact powerig it on and off remotely. For sensing the status I am using a contact closure relay connected to the PCs 12v going to an INP8 port. Pretty simple but works good. And it needs less than a second to go from standby to full operation.
Hmm... I was wondering how can I use page tracking, if I have combined panels? PUSH_DEVICE always shows me the first device in the DEFINE_COMBINE list so that I can not get the ID of the actual device being pushed. Any ideas how to do this without uncombining the devices?
I am using two VPNs with the same layout file, but during operation one VPN may be on a different DECK and ZONE page, than the second panel. Using one single DECK and ZONE variable in the code is a no go, because the more recently used VPN sets them incorrectly for the first one and disabling its operation.
Any ideas?
Forum members (including me) have been working on an AMX interface to the SlimDevice server & devices. See <>.
Thanks Dave! But is it ok then to use PUSHes for all the other panels throughout the master_code.axs, like
... code ...
I now have only the first PUSH, and have to extend everywhere to include the PUSHes for the other panels which are combined at the moment? This might also eat up some more memory, but I will do this if this the best practice. I was anyway little bit unhappy with the combine thing...
Using PUSH[DEV, CHAN] in mainline in a NetLink system is inefficient in many ways. You can use the BUTTON_EVENT to do the same thing, and it will take an array of devices as the first parameter just as easily as a single panel device, and do the same action no matter which panel initiated the event. You could also do a simple GET_LAST on the array to determine which panel triggered the event in case you need to do something slightly different with different panels.
Thanks, Dave - I still have an Axcess master and have not upgraded to Netlinx. I will upgrade tough to a ME260 in the near future but at the moment I only have axcess.