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^SHO & ^ANI Commands

Hi Chaps,

I have built four buttons that are to be shown only when certain criteria are met ie. when my DVR is
playing something, paused, fast forwarding or rewinding...
I am using the ^SHO command to display the button and this is working. What I am trying to
find out is how to animate an eight state button.
In TP4 there is an option to auto repeat the animation but I cannot figure out how to do it
by sending a command to the touchpanel.
I have tried;

SEND_COMMAND dvTPiPadSky,"'^SHO-500,1'" //To Show the Button (This works fine)
SEND_COMMAND dvTPiPadSky,"'^ANI-500,1,8,100'" //To Animate from State 1-8 (doesnt work)

ideally I would want the button to repeat its 1-8 state changes until the criteria changes...

Is this possible?


  • Options
    I think the buttons trigger their animation by flipping from the OFF to ON or from the ON to OFF state, depending on whether you want to drive the animation in the forward rotation or reverse. I don't have an easy way of confirming this at the moment, but it should be easy enough to try.
  • Options
    If you want the buttons to always be animated while visible then I would do the animation in TPDesign.

    You would need to set the button values for "animate time up", "auto-repeat" and change the feedback type to "always on."

    That way all you have to handle is the showing and hiding.

    If they need to be visible and not animated under some conditions then send the ^BMF command to the touch panel and set the feedback type to none to stop the animation. The ^BMF embedded code for feedback type is %OT<feedback type>
  • Options
    Thanks for the replies guys.
    These are buttons that overlay a play/pause button and animate depending on whats going on.
    I have made four buttons, one with just a single state and another three with eight states that
    emulate lights spinning around the play / pause button. These would illustrate if something is
    playing (spin forward slowly), fast forwarding (spin forward faster) or rewinding (spin backwards

    I set the individual buttons up in TP4 to auto repeat etc. and hav used the ^SHO command to
    hide or show all buttons (obviously leaving what I want to see visible).
    I think I have missed the point and not turned the button on so to speak so am going to try
    and set the buttons to equal the playback status.. something like;

    [dvTP_Sky,1] = ( SkyPlayBackStatus == 'Playing')
    [dvTP_Sky,2] = ( SkyPlayBackStatus == 'Stopped')
    [dvTP_Sky,3] = ( SkyPlayBackStatus == 'Paused')
    [dvTP_Sky,4] = ( SkyPlayBackStatus == 'Fast Forwarding')
    [dvTP_Sky,5] = ( SkyPlayBackStatus == 'Rewinding')

    within the define program which should hopefully turn on the buttons when the condition is
    true.. The files are on a memory stick at the office so will give it a go in the morning..

    Thanks again fellas.


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