ME260 - Wants to be an ME260/64
in AMX Hardware
I read a post on here (I think it was a Duet FAQ post) claiming that ME260 can't be upgraded to ME260/64 because of hardware differences. Yeah, it makes sense that 4 times the memory would require at least 2 additional address lines, but I'm curious to see what AMX did with the ME260/64. I don't have access to an ME260/64 and was wondering if anyone had (or could take) some high-res photos of the chip side of the board?
The chips used in my whimpy 16MB master are 48LC4M16 which are 64Mbit (4M x 16) SDRAM in a 54-pin package. I am curious to see how the memory was arranged for 64 megs. Why wouldn't a soldered-in 48LC16M16 (16M x 16) work in place of the 4M chips (also 54-pin)? I haven't looked at the datasheets yet, but I'm assuming the difference between them are the additional address lines present on the 16M chips. Also, havent' looked to see if these pads are "connected" on the pcb, or if simple jumper wires would be needed.
Anyone else interested in trying to figure this out?
The chips used in my whimpy 16MB master are 48LC4M16 which are 64Mbit (4M x 16) SDRAM in a 54-pin package. I am curious to see how the memory was arranged for 64 megs. Why wouldn't a soldered-in 48LC16M16 (16M x 16) work in place of the 4M chips (also 54-pin)? I haven't looked at the datasheets yet, but I'm assuming the difference between them are the additional address lines present on the 16M chips. Also, havent' looked to see if these pads are "connected" on the pcb, or if simple jumper wires would be needed.
Anyone else interested in trying to figure this out?
I spoke with AMX about this issue at the time the 260/64 was introduced when they were considering a procedure where dealers could return ME260 (16Mb versions) for upgrades to the 64Mb version. To be precise, AMX said it could be done but that it was not cost effective to do so. If you wanted the 260/64 just to run Duet, they recommended an NI-700 since the dealer cost on it would have been about the same as the 260/64 upgrade charge [the only problem with this approach is the lack of an ICSNet port on the NI-700].
In short, AMX said the upgrade could be performed so there does not seem to be any sort of hardware specific differences that would make it impossible. The conclusion at AMX was that the upgrade process would not be cost effective for dealers. As a result, it might be quite possible for you to do as you suggest.
A conversation I had with AMX about upgrading to a 260/64 configuration brought out the fact that adding the requisite memory required soldering wires across the board to add new traces and cutting existing ones. It is a messy proposition at best.
That's the procedure I plan to do with my good old 32MB doc NXI-ME (which controls a much older AXcent1 by RS232, which is only used for the Volume control of my subwoofer
- Chip