Disable DCD in RS232 (beginner)
Hello, is there any way in netlinx programming to tell the processor (NI-700) to disable the pin1 (DCD: Data Carrier Detect) even if it is connected ?
If I cut the cable manually, my NI-700 reads everything from RS232 but if it is connected I can't
The contrary works on my PC, if the DCD is connected I can control the device with it's software from the PC, but if it is disconnected the device software gives me error
Any help ?
If I cut the cable manually, my NI-700 reads everything from RS232 but if it is connected I can't
The contrary works on my PC, if the DCD is connected I can control the device with it's software from the PC, but if it is disconnected the device software gives me error
Any help ?
Alternatively you could look to shorting out various pins on the serial cable to fool the controller. I've done this with CTS / RTS before but must confess I've never had an issue with the DCD pin. There's a diagram for creating a loop back tester here: http://www.lammertbies.nl/comm/cable/RS-232.html
What's the device you're trying to control?
I am controlling a keypad of a local company, the used a protocol very smiler to BatiBus
the device converts BatiBus to Rs232
here are the settings that I use in my PC
In the manual of the device say the I can to short the DCD with RI saying that the DCD is always true and the RI always false ! The manual is in italian so I can't paste it here
Thank you, I'll follow this advice